>>13954831Some facts as I have them:
1. Noack’s partner published a video on his Telegram channel saying in German that he had been "heavily attacked," according to a translation rendered by Lead Stories. She claimed that the attack had been "sneaky and unexpected" and that he later died.
2. A day later, Noack’s partner published a second video on Telegram clarifying that Noack had died from a heart attack. She explained that he had collapsed at home and was taken to a hospital in Wolfsberg, in southern Austria. Austrian police told a regional newspaper that Noack died of natural causes.
So his GF first says he was attacked then she has a turnaround 24 hours later.
Now Politifact which I am quoting doesn't find the turnaround suspicious at all. It at least should raise a question or two.
So maybe there's something there.
Maybe he was bumped off for having a loud mouth.
BUT did he publish a paper?
Not so far as I can find.
Politifact says he made his video claims based off a discredited Spanish paper. In this paper one sample was tested by a Prof which came by courier. It had no batch source and so its origin is suspect.
BUT lets assume there's something to this.
So how can graphene oxide get into the sample?
Let me wildly speculate.
First the sample arrived by courrier...
So was it cooled?
Why does it have to be cooled in the first place?
Well you're going to get decomposition of the vaccine.
Wait a minute, so you're going to get chemical reactions occurring if not kept cool.
So ok what's in the vaccine except spiked protein.
Well stabilizers like salts, then cholesterol, phospholipids and sucrose...
Sucrose to glucose maybe
Glucose can be used as the building blocks for graphene oxide in a bottom up process:
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/JM/c2jm15944aSo what if maybe you're in Africa and they forget to put the freezers on in the transport chain and you get the jab you may die of graphene oxide.
just a thought