Is the future of our species to procreate with Humanoid Robots?

No.13954495 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Think about it, our science is right now working towards it and there will come a point where Robots will be able to get pregnant or impregnate humans. Which from the relationship of Humans and Robots will birth the next evolution of Human race until original humans are extinct due to transhuman procreation after 3 or 4 generations of constant transhuman mixing (the son/or daughter of a human will breed with a robot, so will their next offspring and the next one, the same way Neanderthals, Homo erectus, abilis, and Australopithecus got outbred out of existence.

So is it our inevitable future? Disappear through massive breeding with our own creations, built in a so perfect way that men and women won't bother procreate with each other?