Imaginary numbers hate thread

No.13952618 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else hate these motherfuckers with a passion?

>be in grade school
>be in college
>everyone tells me i can't square root a negative number
>always be told that things like x^2+1=0 have no solution
>always be told that not all quadratics have roots
>always be told that not all polynomials have roots
>make it to upper level college
>suddenly everybody talking about this faggot "i" number
>all of the sudden all polynomials have roots
>ask professor what is the meaning of this "i" number
>he tells me its the square root of -1
>okay, so what's the square root of -1?
>well anon, the square root of -1 is i
>lose my shit
>find the professor's wife
>punch her
>beat her
>rape her