No.13949981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I took the pfizer Vax. I am too stupid and there is too much information for me to find out if that was the statistically healthier choice or not for me. I personally know of people who were unvax and got rekt by covid (so anyone claiming it doesnt exist fuck off), but I do feel disgusted at myself for giving into the peer pressure. I am also kind of a hypochondriac and I will attribute every symptom that I might have to 'Could it be because of the vax??'

I also get distrustful about the tactics that the media is using to push people to get it and I am generally distrustful of incompetent and corrupted governments

How do I get over this? I will not take any booster shots, but I still feel disgusted about having given in.. You will probably shit on me too