No.13948812 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I report jewish university teachers who are infringing copyrighted materials in their course? And what is the best way to detect plagiarism in their theses and their prior students theses?

> be me
> make a couple jokes with my friends
> blacks, europeans, middle eastern...everyone is getting along
> one of them was jewish but no one knew or cared
> Everything was funny for him until we started making jokes about the nazis
> he freezes
> oh what's the matter bro are you ok?
> victim.jpeg
> I apologize and tell him that it's just a joke
> he complained to teachers.
> He didn't have any proof
> reverse_shutdown.gif
> other students told him to just go fuck himself.

Next thing you know a bunch of teachers are accusing me of cheating and of sexually harassing other students with no proof whatsoever (I know that because they told a girl who studies with me if she feels safe around me and whatnot but I get along with everyone so she told me what happened). Any ways since they wanted to accuse me of cheating. I have recorded proof of them working together against me, and proof of them stealing content. So my question is how can I report them for copyright infringement while staying anonymous? Do I contact the publishers directly or is there another third party that takes care of these things? And has anyone here done it before? One last question did anything like this happen to anyone else and how did you deal with it because I didn't even know that most of them are jews and I'm outnumbered.