The amazon woman small man master race.
Women will be tall, like 6'5"+, with big hips, birth canals, and wombs, who superovulate releasing 4 eggs each cycle, so each time they're impregnated they gestate a litter of babies. Small women can't do this because they're literally too small to be able to carry that many babies without it negatively affecting the cognition of the babies. Tall thick women with spacious abdomens don't have this problem. Look up fecundity selection. So the women will be big strong and beautiful, running society as revered amazon queens.
Men will be small, like 3'5"-4' tall, but proportional, lean, athletic, agile, dexterous, and with a basal metabolic rate of a few hundred calories a day. In this way, the society can mass-produce these small males, who are of higher quality and quantity. You have have more of them for fewer resources and living space, more of them to build machines and increase your economic and military power, more of them to do scientific research, and they are superior in modern forms of combat with modern weaponry. Being smaller and more intelligent is the trait of a warrior in the modern world. A small man with a gun is better than a big man with a gun, and as we continue to automate warfare and produce drones and such, having a larger population of super intelligent small males who don't need to eat is better than having a smaller population of super intelligent big males who need more energy and food.
All the women and men will be very intelligent.
In this way, the society will expand exponentially faster than others, while using fewer resources for a population of larger size, and will have an enormous advantage in modern forms of combat and labor.
We start in ~2 years.