Pathway to AGI? Smart people only please

No.13945839 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've had this vision for a decade now. I don't know enough about programming and robotics to implement it though. Please focus when reading my idea. I need someone somewhere to do this and bring forth the age of true AI.

Okay here's the outline.
>have a self-writing code. at the binary level.
>this code controls a robot that has cameras and motor legs/arms
>have the "program" run and constantly generate random mutations judging their effectiveness on movement in the robot
>let it evolve until you have AGI

The key here, and please understand this because I don't think anyone I talk about this to "gets" it, is that the code is not bounded by any traditional syntax or any human like structure. The purest form would be simply binary with no human input.

Thank you autists.