>>13945712A Method for Deep Reading V1.20211209
By Disciplined_Victor
EXPOSURE PHASE (whole book)
1-Read cover, back and wings
2-Read Table of Contents
3-Flip through pages (Glance Reading)
4-Read Table of Contents again and write down CUES
5-Flip through pages again (Glance Reading)
6-Read Index if it has one and write down CUES
7-Read Glossary and write down CUES
8-Read Foreword, Preface, Prologue and Introduction and take NOTES
9-Read Conclusion, Epilogue, Afterword, Postscript and take NOTES
10-Read Introduction/First section or paragraph and Conclusion/Quiz/Last section or paragraph of every chapter
11-Read only highlights, bold prints, things that catch your eye (Skim Reading)
12-Read pieces randomly (Skim Reading)
STUDY PHASE (per chapter)
13-Read Introduction/First section or paragraph and Conclusion/Quiz/Last section or paragraph of every chapter and write down CUES
14-Read only highlights, bold prints, things that catch your eye (Skim Reading) and write down CUES
15-Read pieces randomly (Skim Reading) and write down CUES
16-Read first and last sentence of paragraphs (Skim Reading)
17-Read everything without stopping (Superficial Reading)
18-Read carefully to understand
19-Read carefully to understand and take NOTES
20-Read Appendix, Addendum, End notes, Bibliography, contributors, Author Biography and take NOTES
21-Elaborate on notes
22-Make a Mind Map
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TYPES OF CUES: (Keywords, Key Concepts, Page numbers, Chapter numbers)
TYPES OF NOTES: (Keywords, Key Concepts, Core ideas, Page numbers, Chapter numbers, interesting pieces, own thoughts, things you don’t understand, things you want to research further in the future)