No.13945382 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're not an intellectual for sitting at your computer memorizing the lies scientists publish for money. You're not an intellectual for sharing other people's research online then engaging in a shit flinging argument that leads to nothing. You are obstructing intellectual progress when you talk about anything /sci/ related but only use knowledge you acquired from someone else's research. When you tell someone else their theory is wrong because some third party told you they are wrong, you are lower than someone that just kept their mouth shut. When you do not verify the claims you support before you support them, you are lower than someone who keeps themselves removed from science. Intellectuals conduct their own research. Reading someone else's research is not research. Telling someone the Earth is a sphere when you have not verified any of the facts that support that claim is what a retard does. You are only creating a culture that is effectively a scientific dark age which rejects new knowledge