>graduating with physics and math degree
>did pretty well in classes, from prestigious uni
>actively participated in research for most of college, on track to be published
>everyone i talk to:
>"why not grad school?"
>"anon you should really go to grad school"
>"dont you know they pay YOU?"
>"sounds like youre a shoe in for x program"
>"why not apply to x?"
jesus fucking christ dude
maybe i dont want to spend the better half of my 20's making 20k/yr being insanely overworked to get qualified for one extremely niche obscure position
maybe id rather go work industry for a year, two years, five years, make more in 12 months than i will make in 6 years at a uni, THEN go back to grad school once im not constantly pressed for money like i am right now
is this so insane? every single person i talk to tells me to go to grad school, including my undergrad thesis advisor, the people interviewing me for jobs, friends, profs, everyone. i have spent my entire college experience in constant financial terror and am narrowly escaping loan free, i need a PAYOFF for this shit, i need to be able to go to the grocery store, go out to eat, blow my fuckin nose without frantically checking my bank account or mentally tallying up all my purchases within the past seven days. i really cant take it much longer, its killing me, and grad school really sounds like itll just be more of this. please help, am i making a mistake by going to industry first?
>did pretty well in classes, from prestigious uni
>actively participated in research for most of college, on track to be published
>everyone i talk to:
>"why not grad school?"
>"anon you should really go to grad school"
>"dont you know they pay YOU?"
>"sounds like youre a shoe in for x program"
>"why not apply to x?"
jesus fucking christ dude
maybe i dont want to spend the better half of my 20's making 20k/yr being insanely overworked to get qualified for one extremely niche obscure position
maybe id rather go work industry for a year, two years, five years, make more in 12 months than i will make in 6 years at a uni, THEN go back to grad school once im not constantly pressed for money like i am right now
is this so insane? every single person i talk to tells me to go to grad school, including my undergrad thesis advisor, the people interviewing me for jobs, friends, profs, everyone. i have spent my entire college experience in constant financial terror and am narrowly escaping loan free, i need a PAYOFF for this shit, i need to be able to go to the grocery store, go out to eat, blow my fuckin nose without frantically checking my bank account or mentally tallying up all my purchases within the past seven days. i really cant take it much longer, its killing me, and grad school really sounds like itll just be more of this. please help, am i making a mistake by going to industry first?