>>13944639The over reaction, lockdowns and vaccination mandates used by Governments over Covid indicates that that they are aware of a much more deadly biologically engineered virus threat. One which is possibly imminent. One which they aren't telling the public about due to the panic and destabilization its news would cause. A virus that could be easily released, spread naturally, and cause mortality rates in excess of 90%. An Armageddon virus. A virus for which even if a vaccine could be created it would still kill off the vast majority of human life on this planet. Therefore Governments are using the Corona virus to condition their population into facing this threat, basically a dress rehearsal for the real thing. Should Governments learn that an Armageddon virus has been released they can now immediately seal borders, quarantine everyone, and enforce all sorts of measures, upon a population which has grown used to this sort of thing. Thus reducing the impact of the Armageddon virus and giving their countries a much better fighting chance of surviving as national entities.
The above assumes that Governments are well informed, actually competent, can plan for such an eventuality in subtle and strategic ways, and do care about the general public's safety. Which makes all of the above highly unlikely.
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