Does quant trading really work ?

No.13940375 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/,

For those who have some experience in the field, does quant trading work ? By "quant trading", I mean trading based on numerical signals that are fully included in the prices and volumes, not fundamental analysis.

In the pic, the author assumes that there are two securities and and that

Where is a "noise" (let's say a brownian). So the idea is that at a time , if you observe that
so in this case
( -2 is arbitrary but let's say it's a 2 sigma number ).
Then we bet that at the time this quantity will increase so we will buy of , sell of . If everything goes in the right direction, the quantity and we make a profilt.

But does it work in real life ? I have the feeling that it's only a matter of speed and models do not work at all. I may be wrong but even if you look for good features, simple models, collect a lot of data, tune your estimators, I can't really believe that this kind of model will work.
