>>13939762>>13939790Before 2020, no mRNA technology platform (drug or vaccine) had been authorized for mainstream use in humans. It was deployed to billions of people without large scale, long term test studies having been done.
The typhoid vaccine was researched from 1896 to 1909, then not made available to the mainstream until 1914.
Yellow fever vaccine efforts started in 1918 and didn't produce a successful vaccine until 1937.
Polio vaccine development started in 1935, didn't produce a viable vaccine until 1953, and that wasn't accepted for use until 1955.
The chickenpox vaccine development began in the 1970s, then one was created in 1981, and it wasn't licensed in the US for mainstream use until 1995.
The Covid-19 vaccines began research in 2020, development began in 2020 and it wasn't publicly available until 2020, whereupon the producers received total immunity from any liability in 2020.