Around Feb of 2020

No.13937203 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was a 22 year old very fit male (lift weights 6 times a week). There was this new virus and disease going around and the promise of a vaccine. As soon as I saw that statistically the disease was a nothingburger (for me) I made up my mind that I wasn't going to take any cutting edge vaccine. It's just fucking obvious: drugs have been approved and then taken off market later when problems came to light. The only reason to be an early adopter of medical technology is because you're at considerable risk of whatever that technology purports to address.

I like to think I'm a sensible person who can appreciate different perspectives, even ones that seem wrong to me, without making blanket statements about how only an idiot would disagree with me.... however, it's very hard to see how a young healthy person could have taken the vaccine without being either stupid (see reasoning above) or cowardly (there is no form of submission more total than giving complete access to one's body for modification at the level of gene expression).