>>13935167The responses to this post are hilarious when this is exactly true. The anti vax trust scientists when they also pull BS data or biased data out of their asses. Like that one with the PULs cardiology assessment saying the vaccine increases heart attack risk. They slobber all over that "study," but refuse to even read the ones over the efficacy of the vax. The data is shit for both sides. People aren't dying or getting seriously sick in droves from the vax and the same goes for covid.
From what I can tell it's a super contagious mild flu. I'm sick right now. If "covid" wasn't a known thing I'd think it was a cold or strep. I think the #'s for hospitalized and dead are way overinflated. I also think that's the same for people talking about vax side effects. The vax is just shit and they won't admit it. People who got it still get sick. If you're afraid, just don't go out then, stop forcing people with stupid ass mandates and masks. Let those who want to get sick get sick.
Both angles are clearly politicized because it makes people more polarized and passionate about "their side." There's lots of money to be made and votes to be gained in America from both angles. Both sides blindly "trust the experts." But both sides have shit "experts" that are very loud about their opinions. Letting anyone have a phone/computer and being able to post their opinion online was and is a mistake.