Debunking Memes Thread

No.13933988 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel driven to debunk this one meme in particular, but I also think that there are probably a lot of other science memes out there which also require debunking, so if you've got a meme thats grinding your gears, please post it and tell me whats wrong with it in this ITT, fact check them as vengefully as you like, they probably deserve it.
This one is clearly wrong because if you believe in the supposedly scientific concepts from the world of developmental psychology, which seems to be the most commonly held set of beliefs on the subject these days, then the idea that the time of year a person is born will have distinct effects on their personality later in life, is a completely rational and reasonable idea. Might've been more reasonable in the days before air conditioning and central heating and fresh produce available every day of the year, but its still valid today for everyone except the most extreme shut-ins. If mommy eats a higher fat diet in the winter like most people do and she eats more fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer when they're in season, then December babies will get a different nutritional breakdown in the milk than August babies would receive.
I don't even know what the bottom part of the meme is about, I don't read popsci books, I don't need to, to know this meme sucks.