Math Problem

No.13929200 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>car is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide and 2 meters tall, a perfectly straight rectangular prism
>person is a 2 meter tall cylinder that has a radius of 20cm, with flat sides facing the floor and sky
>the road is 3 meters wide and as long as you want it to be
>the person always travels at 5kph
>the car begins traveling at 20kph, and accelerates and 1kph per second
>assume the car is in the exact center of road as it drives along it

Assuming the person is half a meter away from the edge of the road, how far away should the car be at t = 0 in order for the most efficient path across the road for the person to not be a straight line perpendicular to the road’s edge? The person must cross in front of the car and not get hit by it. Can you give an exact example of one of these? Let’s call this example ‘u’. In u, how long does it take for the person to cross the road? At what speed exactly is the car traveling at when the front of it intersects the person’s path? (But not the person, importantly). Can you graph an equation the estimates the path taken by the person on the xy plane? What is the average time taken to cross the road when the path is forced to not be perpendicular? Can a given case of u be curved?