Hello all, I am a time traveler from 2028. By that year it is already clear that vaccines cause not just heart disease - just from vaccine induced leukemia over 2.873 billion people have already perished. It's a method to counter global warming. Despite reduced population, in year 2028 the world has a shortage of food: the high leukemia rates caused Pakistan and Indian citizens to blame each other, suspecting a conspiracy, and started a war in 2026. Both sides launched their nuclear warheads in the war, killing 180 million Indian and Pakistani people in the first few hours, which was then followed by armoured warfare. The war ended in 2027 with Pakistan capitulating. However, the nukes launched were enough to lift billions of tons of dust into the atmosphere, which blocked a small yet significant portion of sunlight from reaching the surface. This resulted in 40% reduction in food production, causing global food shortage, with the ones suffering the most being China, India, whole Africa, Russia, and most of South America. More than 600 million people died of hunger. My mother, grandparents, and nephew are dead in 2028. Clearly killing people by vaccines did not prevent a catastrophy. I'm here from year 2028 to warn you about the nature of the vaccines and the the urge to inform the world about the true reason of future leukemia deaths, and therefore prevent nuclear war between India and Pakistan.