You just deny years of psychological research because you read a dumb article. IQ is a science, just like psychological diagnosises, economics, and population genetics.
Gtfo fringe psychologist which knows jackshit about the subject apart from your own "research". People vindicate the science for the purpose of their own insecurities and anecdotes. It is not perfect, as is all science, but it is pretty good.
As to the poster's question: just try your best and do what you like. People have limitations, like me, like anyone, but they can any do their best. Otherwise, you are hindering yourself. IQ was supposed to be for retarded children and population studies: not for individuals above the retarded threshold.
The main purpose is for psychological studies regarding average populations, and again: for retarded children. Average-above average people weren't supposed to have it, and I think you made a bad choice in finding your IQ, for yourself (actually seeing the score). They are helpful for people in psychology, but I don't suggest you look at your own score unless you're retarded (which it seems you aren't). Ignore it, ignore the score, and try your best; one can only do so much, but limiting yourself reduces self-esteem and hinders effectiveness- such that you may end up doing 70 IQ work.