>413 IQ
>Disproved/improved Einstein's general relativity with #16 on this web-page
>Einstein said gravity is the result of a distortion in space and time when it's really just time itself acting on space because of the uniform pressure from the dimension/force of time
>Gravity as we see it is just a disturbance in the dimension/force of time (like a ball (planets) spinning in an ocean (time))
>This explains why stars are in-line and form galaxies despite not having the "gravity" to attract other stars
I'm really thinking that's as far as I can get. I'll try and keep going. Hopefully define time more before I die, but I doubt it. It feels like that's something I would need 70 more IQ points to be successful at.
>Disproved/improved Einstein's general relativity with #16 on this web-page
>Einstein said gravity is the result of a distortion in space and time when it's really just time itself acting on space because of the uniform pressure from the dimension/force of time
>Gravity as we see it is just a disturbance in the dimension/force of time (like a ball (planets) spinning in an ocean (time))
>This explains why stars are in-line and form galaxies despite not having the "gravity" to attract other stars
I'm really thinking that's as far as I can get. I'll try and keep going. Hopefully define time more before I die, but I doubt it. It feels like that's something I would need 70 more IQ points to be successful at.