Not OP but I'm thinking of making a well-researched youtube video about finitism titled "Rigour and schizophrenia in modern mathematics". It would go into depth into set theory, the foundational dispute, the truth about Kronecker, the real numbers, intuitionism, constructivism, the axiom of choice, Godel's theorems and the continuum hypothesis. With the amount of material I want to cover it would probably have to be a multi hour series.
The goal would be to present a critique of modern mathematics to the 3blue1brown math amateur crowd that they've never seen before. This in turn will force mathematicians to come up with new answers or at least publicly acknowledge the problem, or provide a response to the critiques that I haven't seen before (because I will address the most common responses in my video). I would also try to channel some aspects of the style of exurb1a without the midwitry to make it a bit entertaining.
The main questions are should I hire as the narrator
- A voice actor
-A voice actress
-An anime girl
and how to present the material visually (pen on paper vs powerpoint vs cool animations which would take more than one person to do).