Need help finding a cheap engineering college

No.13926087 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have good grades and good SAT scores and I was thinking about going to Ivey league, which is not far of realm of possibility. Usually quarter of our graduating class enroll at Ivey league + Oxbridge. However, last week I made a pact with my dad. He said he will give me 300k(75k a year for four years), if I major in Classics or Philosophy in the US. Apparently, he thinks I'm not well rounded and studying Classics will help. If I don't spend it all, the leftover goes to my pocket. Initially, I thought "Fine, I will double major in engineering and classics at Harvard", but over the week I started becoming more greedy. I don't want to spend it all. In fact, I want to spend least amount of money. Cheapest legit engineering college I found so far is South Dakota School of Mines (16k tuition), but they don't have Classics/Philosophy major. I need your help to find a cheap and good engineering college that also has decent classics/philosophy department. Something around 20k tuition(for international students) in a not very expensive town. I'm even thinking going to community college for two years and then transferring to somewhere. Is it a good idea? It's December already, so I need to decide quickly where I'm going to apply. Help me out guys.