No.13924548 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I honestly believe that there is NOTHING wrong with believing the "experts". I'm not smart enough to question my surgeon while he's operating on me. The foundations of society are built upon trust. All civil functions rely on trust. If you cannot trust others, there is no community and you must do everything yourself.

>b-but fallacy of authority
>b-but questioning is good

No one is suggesting a rigorous proof of anything, whether a mathematical proof, scientific proof, or proof of efficacy in medicine can be demonstrated by authority. Questioning science IS in fact good. Ideally, anyone should be able to question science. However, questioning makes sense only when it is done by competent people. It is not the responsibility of scientists to entertain every single question - especially those raised by laymen. There are far too many important things to be done.

Trust the scientists because you aren't smart enough to question them (for 99.99% of the laymen who aren't scientists).