>>13923860>Maybe you will be able to do it again in 20 years.You mean like after present society has collapsed and the survivors have begun to rebuild, sensibly?
Because otherwise we are fucked. In New Zealand recently several scientists objected to Maori "science" ( which is mythology) being taught WITHIN the high school science curriculum as an equally valid alternative. Basically its like creationism being taught within the science classroom. "Some God created the heavens. Another God fished New Zealand out of the sea. We know eating this plant makes you sick because we tried eating it and we all got sick. We know this herb can be used as medicine because we found it worked when we had tried everything else. We used the stars as navigational aid to reach NZ because we didn't have a compass, although we didn't do any exploring after settling here about 1000 years ago. Hell, we didn't even know Australia existed." That is Maori "science" in a nutshell. The scientists stated that is was fine to teach all that in school but not within the high school science curriculum.
Guess what? They were censored and threatened with disciplinary action by the NZ Royal Society of Science. And every liberal arsewipe wanting validation points is busy demanding they be fired.
This is just the tip of the iceburg happening around the globe ( but not in China, they aren't that stupid ). Its bad enough with all the fake science, disinformation, and degradation of the scientific method, but this sort of shit is going to kill it for good.
Bring on the collapse. It might suck for a few generations. But at least it will weed out the stupid cunts, and without them dragging us all down we can get around to colonizing the stars.