>>13923267>>13923287Nice bait, but I didn't say whites. I said racists. Arguing about race right now is retarded because anyone who does is judging an individual by where they lie on a fat tailed distribution, which is mathematically retarded. It would be like training a machine learning model that takes one feature, and estimates the mean of the distribution every time. Except it would be even worse because human bias warps our perceptions. Instead of doing that, why don't you consider many factors and form your opinion on the basis of each individual you encounter.
Sure, whites are smarter than blacks on average, but there are trashy methhead whites who can't string a sentence together, wannabe gangster blacks who can't take the square root of four. Likewise there are highly intelligent whites and blacks, highly artistically talented whites and blacks, emotionally intelligent, creatively intelligent, motivated, kind, beautiful, etc etc. I mean, black people contributed jazz to the world, and jazz is a highly complex and nuanced musical genre that definitely takes more intelligence to engage with than most classical music, or music in general. Anyone, left or right, who uses race as a proxy to create a hierarchy of people is retarded, because they ignore the infinite complexity of the individual.
So yeah, stop being racist, its retarded on numerous levels. And anyways, if racists hate black people so much because some small percentage of them are more likely to be violent and stupid in a statistically significant way, then why not just try and cut to the chase and kill off all violent and stupid people directly? Ah... Wait... I know why: It's not very adaptive for organisms to kill themselves.