most time efficient way to eat nutriciously?

No.13923049 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i do not like wasting time cooking but i want to be healthy enough to not be at an above average risk of going to the hospital. i have already figured out for that when vegetables are raw, for example salads, there is no point in cutting them, thus i have started training myself to be able to eat whole onions and garlic. would i miss out on any important nutrients if i were not to cook vegetables, or would i be able to account for it by just eating more? if i do have cook vegetables, is cutting them before i cook that important, for example would i get the right nutrients from the cooked edges so that i can just eat more cooked vegetables to account for the fact that im not cutting them before i cook them? i know that varying vegetables is very important, but what about carbohydrates? can i just eat bread every meal and be fine? i would also prefer meals that are quick to eat as well, but not that much, the most important thing here is decreasing the amount of time in the kitchen.