Why was myocarditis shilled so hard?
Chance of dying from Covid > Getting myocarditis
And I cherry picked the study that had the worst myocarditis rate for the worst bracket
springer uk: ages 0-34, .004% IFR
cdc covid planning: ages 18–49, .0005% IFR
nejm israel study: chance of vaccine-induced myocarditis for men 16-19 is .00013%
Chance of dying from Covid > Getting myocarditis
And I cherry picked the study that had the worst myocarditis rate for the worst bracket
springer uk: ages 0-34, .004% IFR
cdc covid planning: ages 18–49, .0005% IFR
nejm israel study: chance of vaccine-induced myocarditis for men 16-19 is .00013%