>>13916797Basically yes, if by "Bill Russell" is understood "that person or persons who have individually won, or are tied for individually winning, the most NBA championships".
I understand that you've phrased your question in a peevish and rhetorical way, and that won't go left unchecked. By "adjust the criteria" you are falsely suggesting that there is another, better methodology, and there isn't. This is why I made a point of underlining in the above that it is critical to pose the object-question correctly. Fail to do that and you're off and running about nonsense like individual game stats (in any sport!) which have nothing at all to do with the question. To go down this path is to immediately misunderstand it.
A proposed anonymous, scientific survey, polling thousands of current and former professional atheletes who compete or competed in a team sport regularly leading to a championship event.
"In your personal career as a professional athete, which of the two below would you personally prefer to achieve?"
1) To have achieved a better [insert relevant individual sports statistic].
2) To win (or have won) more championships.
While we understand the difference between such a proposed study and the above GOAT discussion, we expect that the result of such a study would demonstrate which metric counts in discussion.