>>13914722>this natural as it is surely evolutionarily advantageousthe only thing evolution cares about is getting your genes passed
if you're a immortal autist who can't fuck and randomly dies on a street walk you will be forgotten no sight of you nothing
if you are a pathetic little shit who can fuck and passes his genes than your garbage genes will remain in history
thats all evolution cares about,humans aren't perfect our intelligence isn't even 10/10 but we are better than most animals and we can reproduce
>>13916135no dna repair structures are perfect the reason we are aging is because we can't rebuild or fix the mechanicsm themselfs
when you are born you have a set number of stem cells which can be used to 100% repair or fix existing structures within the body ever wonder why if a children gets a serious injury the effects are never long term
but if a adult gets the same injury they will be long term effects,and many gene reparing mechanicms are proteins or cells that you have a limited amount of,you can't create more and break off as time goes on with each use