Race and Genetics

No.13913351 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I did not care that my post was pruned/deleted, until I tried to post on /his/ to be welcomed by this message.

Fuck you J@@@nni3s

So I, again, will present a thread with the question, "does anybody have literature concerning whether or not race is biological, or not a social construct? Vice-Versa?"

I got some responses last time, and I compiled some sent links into a .txt document. The thread was actually going somewhere, surprisingly, and I enjoyed reading some of the posts. I also just got, "Who We are and How We Got There...", by D. Reich a couple minutes after I made the post.

I also have that, in the pruned post, somebody mentioned that I ought to learn about genetics/eugenics? Idk about eugenics, but, is there some literature to be read about genetics, which one ought to read about prior to learning about race?

If I wanted to post anywhere else, like /his/, I would. But I didn't, I posted to /sci/. A place where retarded off topic IQ BS gets off. I did ask about race and a genetic basis- using biology, hablogroups, etc- elsewhere and I got a much better response here.That is stupid. And it was stupid that I got warned for asking for scientific literature concerning race and the role genetics plays into the nomenclature.