Philosophy is Cancelled

No.13912352 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is scientifically-relevant since all science emerges from philosophical reasoning.

Since all belief, including belief in the validity of logic, is structured on the basis of axioms which are by definition unverifiable, it follows logically that all belief rests on unverifiable assumptions. In formal logic, when a conclusion presupposes the validity of its premises instead of verifying said premises independently of the desired conclusion, the conclusion is considered invalid. Thus, according to the rules governing formal logic, formal logic is invalid since it presupposes the validity of its axioms. The fact that I am using logic to deconstruct logic only further confirms my point - namely that logic is self-defeating. Saying that axioms are excepted from the normal rules of logic in that they do not need to be validated independently is special pleading.

Considering this, any knowledge gained through the use of logical reasoning is technically invalid. Since this is the entire project of philosophy, that means philosophy itself is invalid. Any attempt to argue otherwise is a cope made by people unwilling to accept epistemic nihilism.