No.13910063 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I used to get high on kratom, a good mood boost, I used for 3 years on and off and enjoyed the concentrated extracts. After taking 3 500mg edibles in one week I get dysphoria, paranoia with voices on kratom now. I have a family history of severe mental illness, my mom has bipolar 1 with psychotic features. I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 at the age of 21, I'm 23 now and thinking about ending it but I know that I have a life to live.

I just thought I would warn that weed can drastically change the effect kratom has on the brain, Joe rogan talked about this but I can't quite remember the episode but it's well known that weed modulated kappa or delta opioid receptors downstream.

I have mania when I'm not on the kratom now too, I was in a severe depressive episode for about 2 years and I was using kratom like a bandage. Edible weed showed me the light and I don't need kratom anymore I'm just taking to explore this new found paranoia that kratom gives me. The voices are disturbing at times, it's like I'm on edge and I don't know where my thoughts will take me on kratom now. Compared to before the edible weed abuse I was in a cheerful mild opioid like state but now it's like my brain is just totally rewired, it's quite confusing.

I just feel like my thoughts are taking me down a depressive rabbit hole on kratom now, it's disturbing but I roll with the thoughts. Kratom is a totally different drug because of the consumption of 11-hydroxy-delta 8 thc.

All I know is I relived my whole life in a matter of 8 hours on edible weed and I had a whole week where I cried with joy. I learned to accept my flaws instead of letting my flaws control me.

My mom is on a high dose of antipsychotics which I think she needs because she is full-blown psychotic of the meds. I might need meds soon too as my mental illness is worsening and it's really hard for me to concentrate on one thing without being cluster fucked with a shiton of thoughts. olanzapine blunts my mood too much.