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You can imagine a scalar is like a stack of items. They take up one slot in the inventory and have a one number value (from 1-64 for minecraft items, but in general we could assign any real number value to our scalar).
Vectors are like your inventory hotbar. The minecraft hotbar has nine slots and sits horizontally, and you can put any stack of items in any of its slots. For vectors, we sometimes write them vertically and can have anywhere from 2 slots to infinite slots. The important part is that they sit in an ordered line. This way, when your bro needs help building his dirt hut to survive the first night you can tell him everything with just TWO bits of information. For example "In the 4th slot, there is a stack of 32 dirt".
Matrixes are like the whole inventory. Now each slot has a position in terms of which row and which column it is in. It's like a bunch of vectors put together.
Tensors are like having an inventory full of shulker boxes. Only epic minecraft pros who can beat the ender dragon can do that.