>>13907232ah thats interesting. I think The Terror and hysteria thing goes along with the fact that people usually share alot of common fears, while things that might make one happy, one give the feeling triumph, might not be the same to someone else. And add on top of the sheep mentality, the more people affected by it, the more people overreact. Hence why i'd guess theres no direct equal, more like many "equals".
Like for example, I gain joy from movies that delve into deep philosophical topics, that get me thinking, while for someone else a sense of joy could come from resolving/relieving a psychological issue the viewer goes through currently and projects it upon the movie, which might probably generate eve a bigger joy.
Besides that it also depends on agegroups. I'd refer to some Disney/pixar movies that give pretty neat feeling of joy and triumph at the end. Like cars, finding nemo, bolt etc... they all have a happy end.
Interesting though How diverse the sources of joy can be compared to what fear is. But it makes kinda sense. Fear is automatically linked to death, something we all share in common.