What are the odds to get hospitalied from covid as an healthy 20 year old? If one gets hospitalized due to covid-19, would they die without medical help?
I regret getting the first 2 doses in march knowing less about them and thinking it will give me life long immunity and due to familly pressure. Now I am pressured again to take the booster but more resistant towards it, it is annyoing and driving me crazy.
By saying I do not want to take it I get usuall normie responses making me regret taking the first 2 and not wanting to take the booster even more.
I regret getting the first 2 doses in march knowing less about them and thinking it will give me life long immunity and due to familly pressure. Now I am pressured again to take the booster but more resistant towards it, it is annyoing and driving me crazy.
By saying I do not want to take it I get usuall normie responses making me regret taking the first 2 and not wanting to take the booster even more.