No.13904222 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, I'm an 18 year old male, and I recently did some reputable IQ tests. Most of which put my IQ in the 125-140 range. What I am interested in, however, is that when I was 15, of the IQ tests that I did do, I was around 105-115. So, despite already being above average, in a short amount of time, my IQ has seen a large increase, both in comparison to my age and the overall standard. I am aware that the average IQ cap is in your mid twenties, after that it very slowly declines, and can only be retained, albeit partially, through physical exercise. Given my IQ increase, can anyone know or approximate roughly what my IQ will be in it's peak? - (mid 20's.) is 140-150 a good guess? Could it even be above 150?