No.13903259 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think the vaccine is something weird and probably makes someone a "genetically modified organism." Is there any way to reverse this? Any hope for detox? I met a woman a few months ago and we've gotten really close, but I recently learned that she got talked into taking the first 2 shots.

After talking with me she agreed that boosters and stuff are stupid and isn't going to get anymore. I'm pretty tinfoil mode so I'm worried about becoming physically intimate with her and her sharing those synthetic spike proteins her body's been made to produce with me. Is there any hope bros?

This woman is really cute and cool and I'm seething big time rn because the one time I get a chance to have a gf and be happy it's ruined with all this cringe vax shit. Should I not care? is the her cringe vax not going to do anything to me if we kiss (I don't want to have sex before marriage just kiss and everything else).

Either way I know I'm never getting the vaccine I'm just pretty scared/tinfoil of someone else affecting me if we're really close/physically intimate. or maybe it doesn't matter, maybe it's all just a tinfoil conspiracy maybe I'm too schizo about it? help bros.....