>33I find it difficult to know for sure if I'm actually a sperg or if it's just a combination of what
>>13902037 said and some other things particular to me. For example, I find it very difficult to "read" people by their faces, but that's because I have moderate prosopagnosia so everyone's face looks about as distinctive as their hands; however, I have much less trouble reading people by listening to their voice or analyzing their syntax and vocabulary and comparing it to their usual.
There's also the fact that I was really bad at socializing as a child, but have by now gotten decently good at it. I still don't like small-talk and the minutia of people's inane little lives, but that's more a result of introversion and misanthropy than an inability. Like I understand, I just don't CARE; dealing with people is exhausting because they're just so dumb. For the rest, it was mostly a matter of learned not to overcomplicate people; understanding their intentions and goals is far easier once you realize they're probably very simple, and very inane. I am extremely sensitive to stimuli, but it's not usually irritating to the point where I'm incapacitated; I chalk this up more to being extremely observant of my surroundings.
There was other shit when I was child, though. Stimming behaviors, sensitivity issues, narrow hyper-focus (I distinctly remember I went through this phase in fourth grade where I drew the same diagram of a volcano every day for weeks or months), being more or less asocial despite not yet having experienced enough to develop proper misanthropy. But I'm also a firm believer that people can "grow out" of mild autism. At this point, what I label the way I am is of little importance; I'm not out to join a club of other people who are like me, out of some asinine desire for inclusion. I'd only dislike for people to use this as an excuse to pigeon-hole me.