>>13901474its will end either when humanity is almost destroyed and the standard well lets see how bad things get phase has passed leaving nobody left alive or when humanity scientifically acknowledges that the speed of light in a vacuum is neither constant nor the absolute speed limit for objects in the universe
i am a tough but fair arbitrator. confess your sin of being jew loving half tards. admit einstein was a theif and a half tard himself. special relativity is trash and space is not pouring out of space to cause the red shift. everything moves away from everything else is 1 part optical illusion and 1 part centrifical / centrepedal / centrifugal force. from your narrow point of view everything is moving away from everything else but in reality the milkyway galaxy is moving away from most of the rest of the observable mater in the universe. where does the red shift come from you ask. it doesnt exist. the telescopes you use today are more sensitive than old ones and it was only ever observed by satellites made from 1975 to the present day. its a design defect. the attempt to increase resolution and intensity of light has lead you to the red shift fiasco
already all the old physics data on fusion is known to be wrong thanks to fusion power plants and japans division of cerns data on fusion in the supper collider (they turned it into a fusion power plant briefly). fission is probably wrong too. just admit einsetin wasnt smart as a species admit it . tar and feather him