>>13900830>"All free will is is biology we haven't discovered." I have free will, and I use it. Sure, Sapolsky could say, well, you were going to study, going to work out, going to make moral choices anyway, but that really doesn't seem to describe my life.
I believe you can create decent human beings from a decent biological substrate, you do this in the socialization and education of children. First, you teach them how to think, how to train their bodies, you put them in situations, real or imaginary, where they work out moral or ethical problems or behaviors.
But most people don't do that. They tell their kids supernatural beings exist and false stories about the universe, keep them in little domestic bubbles. The parents run basically scripts on the kids that were supplied by their dominant cultural paradigm. They don't say, I love kids, lets see what this one grows into. They say, This here is a Christian child, this is a Muslim child, this is a jewish child, they hack off the tip of the dick, they run a train on the kid's mind by inculcating them into their cult.
People who successfully "reproduce" are mostly, reproducing their own culture, their own social norms. Its pretty clear that far from being society's most capable people, the reproducers are more likely the worst possible people, and it is a common feature of many peoples' lives they eventually grow old enough to realize the fact their parents are complete idiots, especially if the kid manages to deprogram themselves. Many parents become abusive control freaks, to keep the parade of lies and manipulations going as they self-destruct.
The parents are the ones instilling the regime of non-free will, they are unconscious of what they are really doing and thus have no free will themselves. The vast majority of people are kind of scraping by through life not really ever figuring out what is going on, simply responding to the rewards and punishments of the culture.