>>13900978Not really, JWST and Hubble and co. are extremely specialized custom equipment, there is no production line for their components, there is no step-by-step standard process to churn out multiple copies of them, and the reason why no such investment was made is because they were designed in an industry climate where the type of telescope you can launch is restricted by the availability of launch vehicles.
When JWST was built there was no launch vehicle which could put up a dozen JWSTs back-to-back-to-back, so you have to cram as much resolving power into a single piece of equipment, this is what drives JWSTs (flawed) design, it is hyper delicate, origami folding, with ultra-fine polished optics that would be destroyed by a single flake of sand or other abrasive, because it has to do a huge amount of work all on it's own.
Starship and other cheap reflyables will change this over time, but it will be a while before anybody starts actually building a telescope constellation.