Why does significant bioluminescence still appear to us? Not fucking fluorescence, but bioluminescence, luciferase/luciferin and all. Yes, I know there are some models that can faintly detect minute bioluminescent activity- but why aren’t there full bioluminescent mice yet?
What are the limitations in the luciferase/luciferin pathway that we still struggle with? Can we not just inject a plasmid with Luciferin/luciferase with common promoters to ensure a continuous production? Crispr it? What’s stopping us from creating *true* glowing animals, not lame gfp uv requiring animals?
What are the limitations in the luciferase/luciferin pathway that we still struggle with? Can we not just inject a plasmid with Luciferin/luciferase with common promoters to ensure a continuous production? Crispr it? What’s stopping us from creating *true* glowing animals, not lame gfp uv requiring animals?