145KiB, 1080x981, Hubble Deep Feild This photo was taken by focusing the Hubble Telescope in the emptiest part of space for 10 days. Every blip in this photo is not a star, it's an entire galaxy!.jpg View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO Anonymous Sat 27 Nov 21:24:18 2021 No.13897938 ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>13897966 >>13898146 >>13898160 >>13898492 >>13898569 >>13899144 >>13899701 >>13900883 >>13902970 >>13903189 >>13905413 >>13905428 This photo was taken by focusing the Hubble Telescope in the emptiest part of space for 10 days. Every blip in this photo is not a star, it's an entire galaxy!