Young people and covid jabs

No.13897732 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do I need to get a mrna covid jab again?
>protect you
My demographic is not at risk to the virus
>protect others
Not my problem
>please protect others
Even if I cared, these particular vaccines do not control spread
>clog up hospital resources
I’m a Canadian and I don’t pay for hospital visits, so I would enjoy the few days in the hospital being pampered by roastie female nurses butthurt over my vaccination status
>hospital resources
Statistically speaking I won’t even need to go to the hospital due to the virus
>long covid
I am neither a fatty unable to walk up the stairs, nor a hysterical white woman tyvm
>if you don’t get vaccinated we will make you unable to enter restaurants and other non essentially services and we will make your life harder.
Coercion is only going to have a negative effect on me, and you have now tainted any valid real legitimate reason for me personally to need to get this vaccine