No.13896291 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm wondering how easy you'd rate this puzzle to solve.
The puzzle itself is simple:

1. Guess the correct amount of parts for x, y and z.
2. Guess the hidden equation.

You know the value of x y z (pic related), and you can tell me to add any amount of x, y and z in any amount of parts.
So you can add 1x, 2y and 3z for example. Any combination of r*x, r*y and r*z is allowed. So you could even tell me something ridiculous like 1000x, 2y and 60z.

So the equation you know looks something like this

(r*x + r*y + r*z) _ _ = _

Now, I will always tell you how far off of the hidden value you are. So, example, if we're looking for solves for 18, and your combination of x, y and z solves for 25, I will tell you you're over by 7.

The point of this exercise is me wanting to know how easy this would be to solve for varying levels of math education.