Covid is just a symptom of bigger underlying epidemic:
It's an epidemic of depression and anxiety ravaging through society, which doesn't spare anybody.
I became interested in Sweden's approach of not doing anything at all , per the John Hopkins University website COVID deaths in Sweden are 15,000.
15k in 2 years, now how many months/weeks were trimmed off those people's lives? Note that I said months/weeks, not years.
Back in the 1990s or the 2000s we'd have not even noticed that COVID even existed, not to mention the 1970s and 1980s.
How many COVIDs came and went through the human history without us noticing?
Diseases and virus didn't change. We did. We are much more depressed and anxious.
The end all be all seems to be existing, not living.
To avoid any downside risk in order to stay around. If you plan your life with the goal of staying around, pretty soon you would not want to stay around any longer.