>>13894573>Actually taking the buddhism pill Jesus christ....
Buddhism is AIDS for the scientific brain. Let go of all desire? OK, how about the desire for knowledge?
How about striving in existence?
Religion can't explain science, but science explains religion.
Science is superior because science breeds rational thought by design, if your hypothesis is no longer supported by your data, amend the hypothesis. But religion? Do not question. Amend all data to support the hypothesis. All of it is God. All of it leads to god.
What oneness to reality could you possibly see?
The only thing I see is that religion gets a fucking pass on everything, and gets the benefit of the doubt. Science = atomic bomb, bad. Nothing about reality is solid, all of its parts function independently. Question science? Naturally, the flaw of science is also its greatest strength, that it can provide proof and until it is proven wrong, a law remains. Religion is an opiate and leads to a life unlived, much like an opiate addict. Who's dehumanizing who? Nothing matters or exists right?
And that it's all an illusion is baloney.
Why not go be a psychopath then? You are wired and bred and beaten to find life meaningful, but you insist there is a soul. Noumena. Things that do exist that we cannot perceive.
I'm going to save what precious brains and place my trust in solutions, not open ended questions without answers.