Is physiognomy a real science?

No.13892682 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an example.

Scientifically speaking, when I was jacking off before I saw a girl whose face was so uniquely vacant yet at the same time so exuding of vapid narcissism that it made my dick soft.

How is this possible? What is the scientific explanation for it? I am not generally judgmental of women in porn and nor do I usually have a problem with the seemingly increasingly common persona that is overtly self centered and unashamedly shallow.

Surely given masturbation and pornography is at least to some extent a proxy of the biological imperative, it should mostly be beholden to traits like large breasts and wide hips? So why am I so turned off by this face? It is not an ugly face. What is my reptile brain seeing that it doesn't like? Are my immediate rationalizations of it correct? What do you think of this face?

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