I will never get vaccinated. I will lose my job before I am. I will die before I am. I am not interested in abstractions like "human health" and protecting old people. In point of fact, their demise is of considerable benefit if you consider the ghastly overcrowding in almost all areas, the limited number of homes, the limited number of jobs, and concentration of capital. These people lobbied to shut the entire economy down for two years because they had an existential crisis. Anyone who capitulates and gets the vaccine is absorbing the risk for their benefits, and serves is unfit for reproduction and furtherance of the species. Godwilling, a variant that causes ADE in the vaccinated population will emerge and will wipe out the elderly, the weak, and the herds of their otherwise healthy vaxxed enablers like OP intends to be. You idiots. Boomers have been the richest generation in history, and you are helping them screw you over even more with every jab you get.