>>13890572You could rule this world anon.
They never had a chance.
Assuming you're anything like me, you hate yourself only because you're not living up to your own standard.
How quickly you're forced to admit the supremacy of whoever actually does live up to your standard.
These are the thoughts that creep up on me when I'm alone.
No matter their intelligence, they can't compete because all they care about is retarded shit like sports and concerts and their limited social rituals. They are non-entities in this game, and you'll do good to structure your life so their influence is minimized. You don't care about their opinions, you never have, so why should you give their opinions power? Structure your life so you're not dependent on their tiny little games. Be your own boss and bury them.
If I'm forced to deal with retarded trivial worthless conversations on a daily basis, I can't get anything done and I'm deeply unhappy and dissatisfied. But that's literally all they ever want to do, this is their definition of happiness. Fuck every last one of these people.
You can get shit done and be immensely satisfied every day if you just cut these people out.
Cut down working hours to 50% or less if you can, live frugally and spend your free time cultivating whatever you're into, with a focus on marketing those skills for future profit. Socialize exclusively with people who share your interests and goals. Try your best to make your specialized income dependent on your workload rather than your hours.
You'll stop resenting them once they can't force you to play their stupid games anymore. You'll stop resenting yourself once you start living in accordance to your own nature.